
He Can because He Think He Can

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Please Let Me Go......

Here I stand with tears in my eyes
unsure of what to say or how to say it
my heart breaking
but I can't back down
bcoz I know that if I keep you it will only hurt you...

You know how they say, if you love something let it go
and it will come back to you?
i'm letting you go
but please dont come back...

I know that this will hurt you
but we are a world apart
and there is nothing we can do...

I will always love you
and there will always be a place for you in my heart
but we have to move on...

It's nothing you have done
we just can't live like this
and I know that if you could forget me
that you could be happy...

So here I end
please don't think about me
and please don't think about what could have been
because it could never be...

I just ask one thing of you...

~~~ please let me go ~~~


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